With the formation of the earth, the movement of living things began on the earth's surface. By establishing its own balance, life has continued and continues for living things. One of the important elements in this formation is the soil, perhaps the most important resource. Soil is very important for living things. It is an indispensable living place for humans, animals and plants. Let's take people for example; From food to clothing, to places to live, soil is needed and soil is used to provide them. It is also a food source for animals, an environment that allows plants to survive. So, what is the scientific definition of the soil, of which we have counted so many benefits:
“Soil is a three-dimensional entity that covers the surface of the earth in a thin layer, consists of a mixture of various decomposition products of rocks and organic materials, contains a wide world of living things in and on it, is a stop and food source for plants, and contains water and air in certain proportions.” Akalan (1988) ).
As can be understood from the above definition, soil is a living entity. Therefore, in order for living things to survive, they need to know this being very well. The best way to know the soil is to analyze the soils. These analyzes can be performed under the best laboratory conditions.
For a good plant growth, half of the soil volume should consist of water and air and the other half of solid materials. Proper irrigation and fertilization are required to maintain this balance. What kind of fertilizer to give and how much is necessary is possible only by knowing the soil. Here the need arises for soil analysis. So what should be done for soil analysis? This is the question that needs to be answered first. Soil analysis begins with taking soil samples from the field.
The main tools and equipment required to take the soil from the land are;
- Pala
- Balde
- Bolsa de muestra
- Etiqueta de muestra
- Bolígrafo
The best way to do this correctly is to consult with experts. Collaboration with local governments should be made in this regard.
Another important issue is the correct selection of the sampling site. The aim here is to take the soil sample that will best represent the desired land. Another issue to be considered is for what purpose the soil sample will be taken. For general purposes, soil samples can be taken from the upper 30 cm with a shovel or with the help of the waist. For this, the soil surface is excavated in a V shape and a sample is taken from its smooth edge. The sample taken must not be contaminated. For special purposes, such as tree growing, it may be necessary to take soil samples from different depths, the tool to be used for this is the auger, the augers should be selected according to the field conditions.
Where soil samples are not suitable to be taken are:
- Places where there used to be a manure pile
- Where animal manure is found
- Threshing floor and animal sleeping places
- Where plant remains are found
- under the tree
- Places near roads, streams, canals